Brad Harrison

Executive Director, Backcountry Lodges of BC Association

Brad is the Executive Director of the BLBCA., the Backcountry Lodges of BC Association. This position includes responsibility for marketing, advocacy/government relations & administration.

Brad spent 5 years in the Faculty of Adventure, Culinary and Tourism at Thompson Rivers University. He owned and operated Golden Alpine Holidays, a remote chain of backcountry lodges accessed by helicopter. He managed the ACC’s GMC, a remote mountaineering camp from 1985 – 2008. He owns and operates Colwest Alpine Adventures, specializing in avalanche training and risk management

Brad served on the BC Ministry of Tourism’s Engagement Council, and serves on the BC Ministry of Forestry’s FRPA Advisory Council. Previously he has served on the BOD’s of TIABC, the CAA, the WTABC.